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Buy IT - Deploy IT - Secure IT - Use IT - Recycle IT

GDS Overall Services Approach

40+ Years

Combined IT industry experience


Devices deployed throughout CA and NV


Of customer requirements met

Our expertise enables us to implement and consistently enhance our best practice solutions. With a diverse customer base, we adopt a clear yet adaptable strategy that addresses the needs of all stakeholders, reporting obligations, internal legacy data, security issues, and other specific requirements. We collaborate with all Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) and their internal procedures.

We are a value-based resource, process focused on the benefits of technology integration rather than the technology itself.

Our Services

Asset Management

Recording details of the new assets into a customer’s environment is often overlooked. As the project grows in both size and scope, the accurate recording of new asset information is a critical function. This information is revisited throughout the lifetime of the equipment, for maintenance, warranty, support, moves, add and changes and ultimately, replacement and retirement. Asset Information is a major are of focus of GDS with every engagement.

Planning phase Every stakeholder is considered to determine the requirement and capture of information

Deployment phase GDS notates by serial number the information requested for capture. GDS can also take possession of customer created and owned asset tags and affix them to the devices as part of the capture.

Completion Throughout the project additional information is “layered” on top of the serial number At project conclusion, all the information is provided back to the customer for the future like moves, adds, and changes (MAC) activity and warranty reporting.

GDS calls this “Audit Ready” as this information provided is often used during independent audits of the accuracy of a project.


Ready to find out how we can help you maximize your IT Life-cycle?

Reach out to a Service Representative for more information.

Customer Success Stories

CA Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation

Project Timeline – Ongoing

Partner –


GDS has been working with Sonder Solutions since October 2017 and provides all configuration and deployment services for CDCR.  Services include imaging, asset tagging, assembly, distribution, and delivery of IT equipment to all business locations and 34 secure institutions.  We also provide centralized purchasing and receiving which improves overall deployment timelines.  We  assist the customer with IT asset disposal (ITAD) in conjunction with deliveries.  This ongoing project requires monthly status meetings and daily/weekly coordination of deliveries and IT asset pick up.

CA Department of Motor Vehicles

Project Timeline – 1/3/2018 through 3/29/2018

Partner – Direct Contract

This engagement covers the installation of 4,588 computers and 2,759 tablets throughout the State of California at 209 DMV locations.  GDS completed this deployment in 60 business days conducting these installations after business hours.  The services requested were final assembly, imaging, asset tagging, physical installation, post installation configuration, salvage removal and disposition, and all associated paperwork for DMV and DGS stakeholders.  Since this installation directly affected the capabilities for DMV field offices to conduct business with the public, system up time was crucial.

Save Mart Supermarkets

Project Timeline – 4/12/2021 – 6/11/2021

Partner –

Lexmark Customer Success Story

Installation of 665 Printers at 196 locations (stores) throughout California over 44 business days.  This project utilized previously conducted site surveys by the partner that were incomplete.  As a result, installation teams traveled with additional equipment to resolve missed devices.  Devices were configured at the GDS warehouse location with final assembly and configuration onsite.  This project also required inventory and removal of existing Lexmark devices that were stored at our warehouse for salvage transport at the end of the project.  This project required weekly status meetings and daily uploading of completed installation documents.

Savemart Customer Success Story

CA Department of State Hospitals

Project Timeline - 11/1/2020 – 5/28/2021

Partner –

e360 Customer Success Story

New Data Center Network Deployment at newly constructed building in downtown Sacramento. Pre-Installation configuration occurred at McClellan Staging Lab (within GDS facility) for WI-Fi Controllers, Switching/ Routing Equipment, and Servers.   Networking gear deployed with Rack & Stack and Cabling throughout MDF/IDF locations across 12 floors.  WAPs and sensors deployed and implemented across 12 floors of Offices, Conference Rooms, Open Spaces, and Collaboration Centers managed by Secure Network Access Control. Sensors and managed power installed across MDF/IDF locations.

Chrome Book Charging Cart

Central Unified School District

Project Timeline – 7/1/2021 through 8/27/2021

Partner –

Office Depot Customer Success Story

This Project required “White Glove” and asset tagging services of 15,200 Chromebook devices to 23 different locations (schools) over 41 business days.  CUSD required daily deliveries of specific quantities to each location.  The project required pick up and re-wiring of 401 Ergotron Charging Carts with new power supplies.  Subsequently, GDS re-delivered Chromebook populated carts.  Weekly stakeholder meetings and coordination of deliveries were required as deliveries occurred either at locations hosting summer instruction or closed locations.

Ergotron Mobile TV Cart

Manteca Unified School District

Project Timeline – 6/10/2021 through 6/30/2021

Partner –

Office Depot Customer Success Story

MUSD project required assembly of 1,090 Ergotron Mobile Display Carts and mounting Sharp 70” displays onsite.  The project included installation and configuration of ScreenBeam wireless connectivity and other wire management, plus accessories.  Installations occurred at 30 locations (schools) over 15 business days.  MUSD had a required complete date prior to summer instruction (6/30/22).  Our process led to cart assembly and display testing at the GDS warehouse and final assembly onsite, including full removal of all trash.  This project required daily communication with both the MUSD and the Office Depot Project Manager.

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